HI: 為節省平日需上班或上課的房客時間,時常無法妥善處理垃圾,現有代處理垃圾的辦法,請參考下方說明了解處理辦法與費用
In order to save time for tenants who often cannot handle garbage properly due to their weekday commitments such as work or school, there are existing methods for delegated garbage disposal. Please refer to the following explanation for details on the disposal methods and costs.
こんにちは: 平日に仕事や学校があり、ごみの処理が適切に行えないテナントのために、代行ごみ処理の方法があります。詳細な処理方法と費用については、以下の説明を参照してください。
Tenants can freely opt-in for delegated garbage and recycling disposal services as needed. For recycling guidelines, please refer to the attached file.
There are three options for delegated disposal:
Charged based on frequency:
(1) Once a month
(2) Once a week
(3) Twice a week
You can choose according to your needs. For larger volumes of garbage, it is recommended to select up to twice a week.
(350NT each time)
(1) 月に一度
(2) 週に一度
(3) 週に二度
3.使用代丟服務必先需先1.預約好時間(1.正式丟棄日 2.每周禮拜幾丟?),與2.完成付款。目前僅提供預約一個月,到期了須再次預約與付款一次。
To use the delegated disposal service, you must first 1. schedule a time(Official disposal day and what day of the week do you throw it out?) and 2. complete the payment.Currently, reservations are only available one month . Upon expiration, a new reservation and payment must be made again.
代行処理サービスを利用する際には、まず1. 時間(公式的な廃棄日,毎週何曜日に捨てますか?)を予約し、2. 支払いを完了する必要があります。現在ご予約可能期間は1ヶ月となっております。有効期限が切れた場合は再度ご予約・お支払いが必要となります。
Except for Wednesdays and Sundays, when garbage cannot be disposed, Mondays and Fridays are for garbage and flat recycling, while Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are for garbage and bottle/can recycling.
The designated location and time for garbage disposal are as follows: To prevent garbage from staying on the balcony for too long, please place it on the second-floor balcony by 6:00 PM every evening. Please use designated garbage bags for disposal and sort recycling materials yourself. If it's too late and you miss the garbage truck's collection time, please bring the garbage and recycling back inside and wait until the next scheduled disposal day.
垃圾の置き場所と時間は次の通りです: 垃圾がバルコニーに長時間置かれるのを避けるため、毎晩午後6時までに2階のバルコニーに置いてください。 垃圾は専用の袋に入れてください。回収物も自分で分別してください。 ゴミ収集車の時間を逃してしまった場合は、ごみとリサイクル物を室内に取り込み、次の指定の投棄日まで待ってください。
Due to manpower constraints, the maximum amount of garbage allowed per trip is one bag of 14 liters.
Please refer to the attached image for pricing information from waste disposal companies. If you do not have a budget, please dispose of your garbage yourself. We do not accept haggling. Thank you.
付完款後請第一時間傳訊息告知,1.您的姓名 2.選擇的方案(代丟的開始時間與星期幾)
Please send a message as soon as possible after payment to inform us of the following:
Your name
The selected plan (start time and day of the week for waste disposal)
© Mike價值行銷個人工作室